Interference of Holocaust Americanization in Spain: Diario de Ana Frank. Un canto a la vida and El encierro


  • María Jesús Fernández Gil Universidad de Alcalá Spain



Holocaust memory, Anne Frank, ideology, (re)writing, musical, flamenco


This article deals with the traces of Holocaust Americanization
in two Spanish (re)writings of Het Achterhuis (Frank, 1947).
The main objective is to determine the influence of translations
and, especially, (re)writings on the resilient image surrounding
the author. The analysis reveals that the musical Diario de Ana
Frank (Alvero, 2008) and the flamenco show El encierro (Juncal,
2014) —both of which are inspired by the optimistic construct
created in the United States around this victim— adapt Jewish
suffering to make it conform to the context and time in which
these representations were produced.


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Author Biography

María Jesús Fernández Gil, Universidad de Alcalá

Dpto. de Filología Moderna

Profesora Ayudante Doctor


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How to Cite

Fernández Gil, M. J. (2019). Interference of Holocaust Americanization in Spain: Diario de Ana Frank. Un canto a la vida and El encierro. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (23), 35–50.


