The completeness of the original text in retranslation (on a poem in One Thousand and One Nights)




One Thousand and One Nights, Retranslation, Classics, History, Narratology, Text, Psychoanalysis


The different attitudes of the translators toward the opening poem in one of the stories in One Thousand and One Nights are linked with two relevant facts which took place during the mid decades of 20th century, namely the work of academic translators and the psychoanalytic interpretation of the book. Both favored the respect for the integrity of the original text as well as the appreciation of the general structure of the book. Facts and hypotheses relating to 1) the narrative nature of the One Thousand and One Nights, 2)
its translations to other languages in the past three centuries, 3) the retranslation of the classics, and 4) the historical nature of the translational phenomenon, are discussed.


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Author Biography

Salvador Peña Martín, Universidad de Málaga

Traducción e Interpretación

Profesor Titular de Universidad


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How to Cite

Peña Martín, S. (2018). The completeness of the original text in retranslation (on a poem in One Thousand and One Nights). TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (22), 259–267.


