Dispositio and compositio in translation of poetry Turkish-Spanish





Rhetoric, poetry translation, dispositio, elocutio, Turkish-Spanish translation


If we accept the conception of Rhetoric as a general discipline of discourse as held by the New Rhetoricians, we could describe translation as a rhetorical operation. This is particularly evident in the translation of poetry, being a highly systematized genre. Thus, we can make use of traditional rhetorical categories when analyzing poetry translations. We can even find translation strategy differences between categories so close in appearance as the dispositio and the compositio. As an example, we analyze the collective translation of a fragment of
a well-known poem by the Turkish author A. H. Tanp?nar.


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Author Biography

Rafael Carpintero Ortega, Universidad de Estambul

Universidad de Estambul, Facultad de Letras

Departamento de Lengua y Literatura Españolas

Prof. Dr. (especialidad en Traductología)


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How to Cite

Carpintero Ortega, R. (2018). Dispositio and compositio in translation of poetry Turkish-Spanish. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (22), 99–114. https://doi.org/10.24310/TRANS.2018.v0i22.4076


