The work of the nineteenth century translator according to himself: analysis of the paratext from two translations of Os Lusíadas into French (1825 et 1842)


  • Dominique Faria CEC-Lisboa/Universidade dos Açores Portugal



Camoens, Translation history, Literary translation, Adaptation


The nineteenth century in France is described by researchers as a time of transition from the tradition of the belles infidèles to a translation model closer to the source text. This article studies two cases which contradict this tendency. Our starting point will be the analysis of the texts written by the translators Jean-Baptiste Millié and François-Félix Ragon for two translations into French of Os Lusíadas, by the Portuguese author Luis Vaz de Camões, in1825 and 1842, respectively. These texts are first hand testimonies, where translators expose their conception of translation, their translation strategies and their perception of Portuguese literature and of the work of Camões. 


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How to Cite

Faria, D. (2017). The work of the nineteenth century translator according to himself: analysis of the paratext from two translations of Os Lusíadas into French (1825 et 1842). TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (21), 207–218.


