Theatre and translation. Towards an scenic turn
Drama, Dramaturgy, Staging, Production, Theatre, TranslationAbstract
The enactment of a theatrical performance is a complex creative processthat involves multiple agents, elements and processes of signification. Thetext becomes a pretext and so the literary work results in a series of successive texts that will materialize in the theatrical text, that which is heard and seen during each one of the performances. The figure of the dramaturge is particularly important in the overall process, but so it is that of the translator, due to the fact that if drama involves the revision and/or adaptation of the literary material to the scenic syntax, translation facilitates the access to texts written in other languages. With this article we propose a tentative theoretical framework in order to consider the relationship between theatre and translation based on the analysis of the concepts, processes and working methods that are specific to this field of intersection of cultural practices.Downloads
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