Quixobytes: Specular Reflections of the Quixotic Myth in Electronic Leisure


  • Miriam Borham Puyal Universidad de Salamanca
  • Daniel Escandell Montiel Manchester Metropolitan University




Quixote, Presence, Video games, Remediation, Application.


Since its publication in 1605, Don Quijote has increasingly become part of a collective global culture, being translated and adapted into numerous languages and societies. The most recent step in this quixotic tradition has come in the shape of videogames that allegedly find their inspiration in the
Cervantean classic. These new remediations provide an insight into the multiple refractions of the hypotext, sometimes hidden among the crossover of narratives or reduced to the use of the character’s name. Whether close or far from the seminal text, these new adaptations prove that the quixotic myth is still a strong presence in our globalized culture.


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How to Cite

Borham Puyal, M., & Escandell Montiel, D. (2017). Quixobytes: Specular Reflections of the Quixotic Myth in Electronic Leisure. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (21), 49–62. https://doi.org/10.24310/TRANS.2017.v0i21.3632


