Cultural Transfer of Intertextual Units in Translations of Literary Texts from Lithuanian into French
translation, culture-specific intertextual units, decontextualization, interpretative theory of translationAbstract
Contemporary translation theory defines translation as interlinguistic and intercultural communication, whereas the text is viewed as a complex semantic whole where the meaning expressed by words does not always coincide with the associations implied by the meanings. According to the theoretical translation position most problems in translation arise not from linguistic units in the text or the differences between linguistic meanings but from the transfer of cultural and stylistic meanings from one cultural system to another. As a result of this theory, intertextual units are chosen to be the object of this article. The aim of the present research is to analyse the general tendencies of the translation of intertextual units from Lithuanian into French and to determine the problems of the cultural transfer of the intertextual units in the translations of literaly texts during the period from 1990 to 2016. In this reseatch the author relies on the interpretative theory of translation that explains translation as a cultural transfer.
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