The Non-Specialist Translator as confronted with the Occurrence of Factual Errors in an Instructional or Popularizing Source Text: a Case Study on the Ideal, the Sufficient, and the Unacceptable


  • Carlos Garrido Rodrigues Universidade de Vigo Spain



communicative translation, science education and popularization, source-text factual error, scientific and technical translation


The following article emphasizes that factual errors are relatively frequent in all sorts of instructional and popularizing texts, and that,
within the framework of communicative translation, it is necessary
for the translator to spot those defects in the source text and to rectify
them in the target text. Focusing on an important factual error
present in a popularizing book on evolutionary biology published by
Oxford University Press, three categories of translators of instructional
and popularizing texts with scientific-technical content are distinguished according to the ease and to the resources with which
they can detect (and rectify) such textual flaws, i. e., the specialist
translator, the semi-specialist translator, and the non-specialist


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Author Biography

Carlos Garrido Rodrigues, Universidade de Vigo

Profesor Titular del Departamento de Traducción y Lingüística de la Universidade de Vigo


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How to Cite

Garrido Rodrigues, C. (2018). The Non-Specialist Translator as confronted with the Occurrence of Factual Errors in an Instructional or Popularizing Source Text: a Case Study on the Ideal, the Sufficient, and the Unacceptable. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (22), 115–132.


