Synchronization in Video Games: the Dubbing of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate




dubbing, audiovisual translation, localization, video games, synchronization, lip-sync


The aim of this article is to describe video game localization
from the new perspective of dubbing. More specifically, we
will focus on analyzing the types of synchronization in an
adventure video game localized from English into Spanish.
First, we will review the types of synchronization in cinema
and television described to date and proceed to use this dubbing
in movies and TV as the model to compare and analyze
the new interactive audiovisual product of video games.


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Author Biography

Laura Mejías-Climent, Universitat Jaume I

Departamento de Traducción y Comunicación

Personal investigador en formación (becaria FPI)


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How to Cite

Mejías-Climent, L. (2018). Synchronization in Video Games: the Dubbing of Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (22), 11–30.


