Frame Theory and its Application in the Translation of Idiomatic Expressions
frame theory, verbal locutions, phraseology, cultural context, idiomatic expressionsAbstract
According to frame theory, every word or expression is organised into conceptual structures with semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic elements that are activated when it is used in each context. The translation of idiomatic expressions, in our case verbal locutions, poses significant challenges in terms of intercultural communication and meaning transfer. This requires translators to have a thorough understanding of the cultural connotations and the context in which these expressions are used. Furthermore, the present research aims to familiarise Russian learners with the theoretical foundations of trame theory and its specific application in the process of translating verbal locutions from Russian into Spanish. Therefore, this study is based on a cognitive approach that emphasizes the transcendental relevance of context in identifying and understanding the conceptual frameworks associated with these units. In this way, through a test composed of 40 verbal locutions, frame theory is proposed as a methodological tool to highlight its effectiveness in phraseological acquisition in the field of translation. This approach is based on a methodology that combines theoretical and practical aspects, emphasising the understanding of cultural and contextual elements, as well as overcoming the challenges of equivalence involved in the translation process.
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