“¿Y hoy quíago? / Oh Lor, what’ll I do now?”: The English Translation of the Oral Features in The Tales of Old Uncle Lino
willakuy, Andean world view, standardization, oral traditionAbstract
This article aims to analyze how the willakuy oral features in Cuentos del tío Lino were translated into English from a pragmatic perspective. The object of study is the twelfth edition of Cuentos del tío Lino published in 2016 by Lluvia Editores. This compilation of oral-based stories depicts in writing Contumaza’s collective memory through a style that conveys the Andean world view, evokes a willakuy’s performance, and reproduces the popular Andean spoken language which resulted from the contact between Spanish and Quechua. The comparative analysis demonstrates that the original style is modified. Due to the use of written language normative and typical structures, the translation is transformed into a standardized text which prioritizes legibility. This standardization eliminates the representation of the willakuy performativity and the aesthetic function of the source text.
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