Transcreation and cultural adaptation in video games: process, product and reception
localization, video games, transcreation, survey, corpus, receptionAbstract
This exploratory study tries to expand the available information about video game transcreation, combining data from the process, the product, and the reception. First, it investigates how familiar video game developers are with the concept of transcreation through a probabilistic sampling with a survey. Next, two games in which the translator was allowed more creative liberty are analysed to check if this fact results in greater deviations from the literal meaning of the source text. Finally, a reception survey of 569 players asks their opinion on cultural adaptation in video games. The results show that most developers are not familiar with the concept of transcreation, but they allow the translator to deviate from the original to some extent. The players are divided on their opinion regarding the importance of cultural adaptation and the translation of proper nouns in video games.
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