A History of Shakespeare in Losada





Shakespeare, Complete Works, translation, Losada


The publishing house Editorial Losada started to publish translations of Shakespeare’s works in 1939, and reached the last volume of his Complete Works in 2009. This article looks through the history of that seventy-year-long process: the relating part of the publishing house path, how it arrived at those translations and who intervened, who their authors were, how and when they got published, how the edition of the Complete Works was organized, what their criteria and features were. The main goal is to offer a source to whoever searches for data and bibliographical references on the Spanish translations of Shakespeare’s works published by Losada


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How to Cite

Ingberg, P. (2022). A History of Shakespeare in Losada. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (26), 373–385. https://doi.org/10.24310/TRANS.2022.v26i1.14149



Bibliographical Article