And the Machines Started Translating... Didactic Considerations in Relation to the Automatic Translation of Cultural References in the Legal Field


  • Silvia Roiss Universidad de Salamanca Spain



DeepL, specialized translation, cultural references, didactic considerations


This In this contribution we will highlight the vulnerability of DeepL in relation to the automatic translation of cultural references in the legal field into Spanish, specifically the German legal term Landgericht. Inconsistencies at the semantic level mostly occur because the tool works from a sentence approach instead of a textual one. For this reason, we will give some didactic guidelines on how to deal with this problem in the classroom, especially in the post-editing phase. In this sense, we focus on four specific criteria: the material criterion, the composition criterion, the hierarchical criterion and the territorial criterion, and complete them with a multilevel textual analysis of the textual class in question (apostille). The ultimate aim is to offer the student a very complete guide so that he or she can face this challenge with guarantees. This is the partial result of a teaching innovation project led by the author of this article. 


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How to Cite

Roiss, S. (2021). And the Machines Started Translating. Didactic Considerations in Relation to the Automatic Translation of Cultural References in the Legal Field. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (25), 491–505.


