Satisfaction and importance of physical education in secondary schools




extracurricular physical activity, adolescents, satisfaction, boredom, importance
Agencies: Universidad de Granada


Objective: Analyze the satisfaction, boredom and importance that adolescents students attribute to physical education. Method: Cross-sectional design with the participation of 925 high school students aged between 12 and 18 years. A questionnaire was applied ad hoc to collect sociodemographic information, the Satisfaction scale adapted to physical education (ES-EF) and the Physical Education Importance Scale (IEF). Results: The students in general were satisfied an manifest low rates of boredom and attributed importance to PE, with best results for boys and out-of-school AFD practitioners. Satisfaction positively predicted importance and negatively predicted boredom, and both were joint predictors of satisfaction. Conclusion: PE teachers must implement methodologies that favour satisfaction to facilitate the acquisition of healthy habits.


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How to Cite

Aznar Ballesta, A., & Vernetta, M. (2022). Satisfaction and importance of physical education in secondary schools. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencias De La Actividad Física Y El Deporte, 11(2), 44–57.


