The Person Is Embryonic State. A Proposal to the Debate on the Anthropological Status of the Human Embryo From the Integral Personalism




Personalim, human embryo, person, gradualism, human dignity


The debate on the anthropological status of the human embryo has had two opposing currents: the theory of gradualism and the personalist. That collide in the definition of person and in the understanding granted to the human embryo. Now, although both theories are juxtaposed, they share that the center of attention has been focused on defining what the human embryo is, from their philosophical positions. And it is there, in this discussion scenario, that I propose to analyze the human embryo from integral personalism and leave a description focused on what it is, to a reading that emphasizes identifying who it is, as an alternative path that highlights the irreducibility of the person from the moment of fertilization.


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Author Biography

Elias Bermeo Antury, South Colombian University

Doctor en Filosofia y ciencias de Lenguaje. UAM.

Master en Bioética, UCV.

Licenciado en Filosofía, USB.

Licenciado en Teología, USB. 


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How to Cite

Bermeo Antury, E. (2022). The Person Is Embryonic State. A Proposal to the Debate on the Anthropological Status of the Human Embryo From the Integral Personalism. Metafísica Y Persona, (27), 75–92.


