Thinking as Dynamite


  • Sossio giametta Italy



fundation, moral, nihilism


This article addresses Nietzsche as a global problem in all its diverse and often contrasting profiles; it finds unity under variety, explains Nietzsche and his avènement, more with history than with philosophy, and clarifies its deep roots in the vast Western sunset catastrophe. Transfiguring the crisis of civilization into tragic poetry, Nietzsche builds a spiritual body for it and legitimizes it. It is acknowledged that Nietzsche has removed the foundation from above and abroad, but has not completed the necessary further step
for preventing man from becoming a crazy cell of the universe: exposing the foundation from the bottom, the gravity of the species, which gives full meaning to knowledge and morality, or consents to overcome nihilism in the intrahuman sphere.


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Author Biography

Sossio giametta

Sossio Giametta es doctor en derecho. En 1953 Giorgio Colli le invitó a colaborar en la edición de las Opere de Nietzsche. En 1964 se habilitó para enseñar Lengua y literatura alemana y en 1966 en Lengua y literatura inglesa. Desde 1965 es funcionario del Consejo de ministros de la Comunidad Europea, en Bruselas. Entre sus obras: Oltre il nichilismo. Nietzsche, Hölderlin, Goethe (1988), Nietzsche, il poeta il moralista, il filosofo (1991), Nietzsche e i suoi interpreti. Oltre il nichilismo (1995) y Commento allo «Zarathustra» (1996). Recientemente ha publicado Introduzione a Nietzsche. Da La nascita della tragedia a Ecce Homo (2009).


Croce, B., Discorsi di varia filosofia, Bari, 1959, p. 70.

Giametta, S., Introduzione a Nietzsche opera per opera, Milano, 2009.

Giametta, S., Nietzsche il poeta, il moralista, il filosofo, Milán: Garzanti, 1991.

M. Vozza, m., Nietzsche e il mondo degli affetti, Torino: Ananke, 2006.

Nietzsche, F., Obras Completas, I-IV (OC ). Director ed. Diego Sánchez Meca. Madrid: Tecnos, 2011-2016

Nietzsche, F., Correspondencia I-VI. (CO). Director ed. Luis E. de Santiago Guervós. Madrid : Trotta, 2005- 2012.

Nietzsche, F., Fragmentos Póstumos I-IV (FP). Director ed. Diego Sánchez Meca. Madrid: Tecnos, 2006-2010.



How to Cite

giametta, S. (2010). Thinking as Dynamite. Estudios Nietzsche, (10), 153–164.


