Evaluating dyslexia in primary school children: Prevalence in Spanish


  • María Soledad Carrillo Gallego Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Universidad de Murcia (UMU) Spain
  • Jesús Alegría Iscoa Lab. Cognition Langage et Développement. Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Belgium
  • Pilar Miranda López EOEP Molina de Segura. Comunidad Autónoma Región de Murcia Spain
  • Noelia Sánchez Pérez Dpto. de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Universidad de Murcia (UMU) Spain




Prevalence Developmental Dyslexia, Reading Acquisition Difficulty, Reading Delay


We present a sequential procedure aimed at detecting reading acquisition difficulties. Data were collected from a representative sample (N=2012) of 2nd, 4th, and 6th graders from all state schools (n=14) and private schools (N=5) in a single district. In the first step, a silent reading test (Test de Eficiencia Lectora TECLE) was collectively conducted. It identified 273 children who presented reading difficulties that could not be explained by other causes (cognitive, sensory, behavioural, linguistic, and social). In the second step, the selected sample were administered a reading test (words and pseudo-words), and an orthographic test (words presenting inconsistent phoneme-to-grapheme items) to identify more basic phonological and orthographical deficits which might explain the reading difficulties detected us-ing the Test de Eficiencia Lectora TECLE. The results showed a greater incidence of reading problems in 2nd-grade students (15.2%) than in 4th-grade (9.3%) and 6th-grade (10.9%) students. This difference could be explained by the presence of 2nd graders with reading difficulties who can overcome their difficulties without any special intervention. We also show that a large part of the global reading delay observed can be explained by difficulties in basic decoding and orthographic abilities.


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How to Cite

Carrillo Gallego, M. S., Alegría Iscoa, J., Miranda López, P., & Sánchez Pérez, N. (2011). Evaluating dyslexia in primary school children: Prevalence in Spanish. Escritos De Psicología - Psychological Writings, 4(2), 35–44. https://doi.org/10.24310/espsiescpsi.v4i2.13317


