Effects of a Cognitive Behavioural Intervention to reduce burnout in caregivers of institutionalized elderly individuals
Burnout, Quality of Life, Caregivers, Elderly, Cognitive-Behavioural InterventionAbstract
Burnout is a dysfunctional response to chronic job stress in professionals (e.g., doctors, nurses, and caregivers) who are in constant contact with service users. Burnout has negative affects at the physiological, personal, familial, and work levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cognitive behavioural intervention (CBI) to reduce burnout in professional caregivers. The intervention was implemented and evaluated in 15 professional caregivers of institutionalized elderly individuals, and comprised relaxation, cognitive restructuring, social skills, positive rein-forcement, and shaping and modelling modules. Following the intervention, statistically significant decreases were found in burnout scores and the dimensions of physical and psychological exhaustion, disappointment at work, and guilt; statistically significant increases were found in the variable quality of life scores and the dimensions of physical health, psychological health, and social relationships. In addition, a reduction was observed in clinical burnout scores in all the caregivers, and 60% of them improved their clinical quality of life scores. The results suggest that CBI is effective in the management of burnout and improving the quality of life of caregivers.
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