Trends in global research on supply chain finance from 1970 to 2021: a bibliometric analysis




supply chain finance, science mapping analysis, co-word analysis, bibliometrics, smes, family firm
Agencies: NO


This paper aims to identify and analyze trends in the study of supply chain financing (SCF). We use bibliometrics and content analysis as a methodology. Scientific maps analysis highlights the production and performance of the SCF, as well as the keywords that characterize it. The supply chain management (SCM) field contains SCF as a sub-field of knowledge. We found a significant fragmentation and specialization in this thematic area. The topics associated and emerging are innovation, collaboration, and resilience as critical factors in the development of the SCF, and the adoption of Blockchain to promote the sustainable performance of supply chains. Moreover, the construction of a comprehensive conceptual framework of the SCF, universally accepted by the parties involved in supply chains.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Elizundia, G., Sandoval, S., & Lampon, J. F. (2023). Trends in global research on supply chain finance from 1970 to 2021: a bibliometric analysis. European Journal of Family Business, 13(1), 92–112.



Research article