Cohabiting Couples: A Neglected Family Form that is Important for the Field of Family Business


  • Gibb Dyer Marriott School of Business, Brigham Young University, United States
  • Steven Kofford Mississippi State University, United States
  • Brian J. Willoughby Brigham Young University, United States



Cohabiting couples, Married couples, Family capital, Family firm outcomes


Cohabiting couples are a rapidly growing family form in the world today.  However, this family form has not been accounted for in family business research.  In this article, we examine the differences between cohabiting couples and married couples in terms of human capital, social capital, and financial capital.  Moreover, we explore how these differences may impact outcomes for firms owned by cohabiting and married couples.  Finally, we discuss how family business scholars can account for cohabiting couples in their research and how such research may help practitioners.


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How to Cite

Dyer, W. G., Kofford, S., & Willoughby, B. J. (2023). Cohabiting Couples: A Neglected Family Form that is Important for the Field of Family Business. European Journal of Family Business, 13(2), 137–148.



Research article