The transcendental condition of freedom according to Fichte


  • Emilio-José Justo Domínguez a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:35:"Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca";} Spain



Absolute, freedom, idealism, intersubjectivity, self.


Fichte’s thought assumes the fact of freedom and through the analysis of the self offers a transcendental foundation for this affirmation. In this way, it contributes to elaborate a concept of freedom that allows us to think the conscience of human being, his relationship with others and his political organization. This article presents the fundamental lines of the Fichte’s philosophy that refer to the transcendental condition of freedom and its relationship with the absolute. In addition, it tries to show the potential of the idealism to think the reality from freedom.


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How to Cite

Justo Domínguez, E.-J. (2021). The transcendental condition of freedom according to Fichte. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 26(2), 25–41.

