The Infinite Mode that an Individual is: the Face of the Whole Universe in Spinoza's Philosophy


  • Claudia Aguilar a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:3:"UBA";} Argentina





The analysis of the Spinozian infinite modes has been extremely varied. This article intends to highlight the relevance of infinite modes without denying their peculiarity, that is, without confusing them with both finite modes and substance. My hypothesis is, firstly, that infinite modes are eternal and not sempiternal. Secondly, that infinite modes, particularly the face of the whole universe, are indispensable to consider the relationships part-whole, substance-modes, substance - finite modes, and even intramodal relationships.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, C. (2021). The Infinite Mode that an Individual is: the Face of the Whole Universe in Spinoza’s Philosophy. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 26(2), 7–23.

