Is the anti-identitarianism of open Marxism justified?


  • Magdalena Guíñez Universidad Diego Portales Chile



Open Marxismo, anti-identitarianism, identity, revolution, feminism


The article explores the anti-identitarianism of open Marxism, a stream that proposes a negative critical subject that rejects definitions. I question whether this anti-identitarianism is limited to the abolition of class identity or whether it includes other identities linked to other forms of oppressions. I expose that the theorists of open Marxism have an insufficient and ambiguous position on this, which is also not consistent with their own pretensions. I propose that the anti-identitarianism of open Marxism is only coherent if it seeks to abolish all identities. I do this by establishing parallels with feminism and queer theory.


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How to Cite

Guíñez, M. (2024). Is the anti-identitarianism of open Marxism justified?. Contrastes. Revista Internacional De Filosofía, 29(2), 20–40.

