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Explanatory model of post-prison social reintegration of parolees



Social Reintegration, Explanatory Model, Parole, Argentina


This study aims to test an ecological model as an explanatory theoretical framework for social reintegration. Participants were 174 parolees between the ages of 18 and 48 from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Based on the methodology of structural equations, two conceptual models have been contrasted. These models differ in the type of relationship between the ecological levels considered
(individual or ontosystem, relational or mesosystem, and social or macrosystem). In the first proposed model, the broadest level (macro) affected the relational level, and the latter affected the individual, finally exerting, the latter, effects on social reintegration. In the second specified model, the indicated levels were associated with each other, each exerting effects on social reintegration. The goodness-of-fit indicators confirmed that the latter model is the one with the best fit. Accordingly, it can be affirmed that both the social context, as well as the relational and individual context, intervene jointly in the explanation of the problem under study, and are closely related. The results indicate that social reintegration is a multifactorial phenomenon and that the proposed ecological model is adequate to evaluate this phenomenon.


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Author Biography

Melina Crespi, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctora en Psicología, magister en Psicología Social Comunitaria, licenciada en Psicología, profesora adjunta de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, especialista en Evaluación Psicología aplicada al Ámbito Jurídico.


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Crespi, M. (2024). Explanatory model of post-prison social reintegration of parolees. Boletín Criminológico, (31). Retrieved from