Patterns of Criminal Conduct and Socialization in Scholar Adolescents in Brazil


  • Rafaelle Cs Costa Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
  • Marina Rezende-Bazon Universidade de São Paulo Brazil
  • Antònia Rayó-Bauza Universidad de Barcelona Spain
  • Antonio Andrés-Pueyo Universidad de Barcelona Spain



personality;, juvenile delinquency;, adolescence;, violence


Juvenile delinquency in Brazil promotes concern - especially the acts committed by young with more serious (violent) and persistent criminal conduct patterns, which are associated with specific personality traits. The objective of this study is to compare levels of criminal conduct among Brazilian schoolars, grouped according to aspects of socialization personality, from a group of 467 male adolescents. Three clusters are identified from the scores in Agreeableness (S1), Prosociality (S2) and Trustiness (S3). Knowing that the highest scores suggest the greatest social adaptation, Cluster 1, “Low Trustiness” (C1; n = 134) presents the lowest means in Prosociability, besides the lowest means in Trustiness and the greatest means in criminal conducts. The Clúster 2, “High Socialization” (C1; n = 185) presents the best indicators of social adaptation, which is reflected in fewer self-reported criminal behavior. Finally, Clúster 3, “Low Agreeableness” (C3; n = 148), presents a history of conducts similar to the “High Socialization” Clúster, but with the presence of a subgroup with greater self-reported delinquency. The results show variations in the sample studied, in socialization (psychological development), and in themanifestation of criminal conducts.


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Author Biographies

Rafaelle Cs Costa, Universidade de São Paulo

Rafaelle CS Costa es investigadora de posgrado en la Universidade de São Paulo.

Marina Rezende-Bazon, Universidade de São Paulo

Marina Rezende Bazon es Profesora del Departamento de Psicología de la Universidade de São Paulo

Antònia Rayó-Bauza, Universidad de Barcelona

Antònia Rayó Bauzá es investigadora predoctoral en la Universidad de Barcelona.

Antonio Andrés-Pueyo, Universidad de Barcelona

Antonio Andrés-Pueyo es Catedrático del Departamento de Psicología Clínica y Psicobiología de la Universidad de Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Costa, R. C. ., Rezende-Bazon, M. ., Rayó-Bauza, A., & Andrés-Pueyo, A. . (2020). Patterns of Criminal Conduct and Socialization in Scholar Adolescents in Brazil. Boletín Criminológico.