The economic area of the industry


  • Damián López Cano



Economic Geography has been limiited since its beginnings by being conceived as too unilateral and primary in its focus, with studies which fall almost exclusively in the area of its most formal aspects, avoiding the rich, complex subtleties inherent in socio-economic processes of production relations. And industrial activity has constituted one of the least developed studies from the geographical point of view and the place which it occupied and occupies within the conceptual schemes of Geography in general and Economic Geography in particular, has been rather limited. For the analysis and understanding of the intens role which industrial relations exercises at an international level, one must go further than a mere exposition of the distribution and localization of the activities and the resources, since it is not sufficient to be able to explain them with traditional problems which geographic localization has presented in its spatial analysis.


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How to Cite

López Cano, D. (2015). The economic area of the industry. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (13).


