The movility because of working reasons in Malaga


  • Damián López Cano
  • Miguel A. González Castillejo



The urban movility because of working reasons constitutes the most significant class of people´s movements within the urban areas and one of the fundamental causes that contributes to its congestion. This is conditioned by the massive rushing hours that these movements create in the urban areas as a result of the poor hourly flexibility, and as a consecuence the massive demand that falls over the transportation services, not only public but private as well. For this reason, the capability of trips organization in the city of Malaga, is very insignificant. However, according with the kind of medium size city that generates it, the urban typology of our city coupled with the physical conditions that configurates it, increase the traffic jams that are produced by this type of movility.


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How to Cite

López Cano, D., & González Castillejo, M. A. (2015). The movility because of working reasons in Malaga. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (18).


