The Monarchy of Philip V and his ties with the France of the Regency: the case of the Cellamare Conspiracy


  • Laia Alonso Armengol Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona Spain



Cellamare, Versailles, Conspiration, Ballance of Power, War of the Quadruple Alliance


At the end of 1718, a short war began that directly affected the claims of Felipe V and his court. While in the war of the Spanish Succession, France and Spain formed one side, four years later they were in opposite positions. One of the highlights of this distance is the one that occupies this work; the conspiracy of Cellamare or the umpteenth attempt of Spanish political interference in the court of Versailles. An episode that is useful to understand the same context and the development of Franco-Spanish relations.


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How to Cite

Alonso Armengol, L. (2019). The Monarchy of Philip V and his ties with the France of the Regency: the case of the Cellamare Conspiracy. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (38), 135–157.

