The simple cylinder infiltrometer as a calculation method of the hydraulic conductivity of soils. Fieldwork experiences in Mediterranean mountain areas.
The infiltration studies are of great interest for their applicability as much as in environmental valuations as in projects of unirrigated land transformation to irrigable. In the same way, it is also of great utility to value the degradation of the floors for use livestock. Numerous methods exist for the calculation of this parameter, of which we have selected the simple ring infiltrometer for their simplicity, low cost and easy use.
The objective of this work is to adapt the method mentioned to the conditions peculiar of our floors. For it, a completely empiric method is continued in the one that the field experiences become the base of the cognitive process.
The field work has consisted on the realization of 20 infiltration tests with two rings infiltrometers of different diameter, one of 21,4 cm. And another of 30 cm., being valued the precision of the results using the theory of the estimate.
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