Comisiones Obreras (Workers Comission) in Malaga 1960-1997


  • Mª José Villalba Soria
  • Mª Carmen Ruiz Pérez
  • Emilio Ortega Berenguer



The history of Comisiones Obreras (a Union) in Malaga starts when workers commissions convewrt themselves in the way to protest and demand with the objective of stimulate the workers movement in Spain. The purpose of liberalizing the economy and the politic as a model of organization and coexistence stablished a favorable legal framework by the Franquismo. The initiative of the workers commissions, that try to participate in the trade structures secretly, transform until the creation of a context of freedom of union with the estalishment of the Union CC. OO. in 1977. Since them the defence of workers and the labour have been the reason of being until 1977.


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How to Cite

Villalba Soria, M. J., Ruiz Pérez, M. C., & Ortega Berenguer, E. (2015). Comisiones Obreras (Workers Comission) in Malaga 1960-1997. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (26), 427–446.


