A case of converso solidarity? Diego de Barrios, inhabitant of Cadiz


  • Juan Javier Moreau Cueto




The union of the spanish and portuguese kingdoms in the person of king Philip the second of Spain made the progresive arrival of portuguese converse jews to Spain during the seventeenth century and the increase of the inquisitorial persecutions to this colective. In this historical context we observe the different evolution about two families of this minority. One of them, from Montilla (Córdoba) family of one of the most important poets in literary “Spanish Golden Century” Miguel de Barrios, took the decision to be in exile out of Spain, and the other, from Cádiz, obtained to be in the economical and political power in this comertial city on the last decades of seventeenth century. The only connection between this two families is the same name, second name, age and job of two man each family that made both, momentarily, be in the face of the most terrible institution of this times, the Spanish Inquisition.


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How to Cite

Moreau Cueto, J. J. (2015). A case of converso solidarity? Diego de Barrios, inhabitant of Cadiz. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (29), 367–384. https://doi.org/10.24310/BAETICA.2007.v0i29.240


