Jean-Baptiste Du Tertre: explorer and missionary of the Court of Richelieu
Missionaries, exploration, France, Dominican Order, New WorldAbstract
Starting from the Fifteenth century, up to including, all of the Seventeenth century, the discussion of the religion of the so-called “savane” occupies ample space throughout the pages of the texts of explores and missionaries and was at the heart of conversations at the refined salons al lover Europe. It appears as one of the great philosophical, historical and anthropologi-cal themes and is important not only for the identification and the definition of remote regions that are still unknow but also for the comprehension of human nature itself and the revision of traditional certainties. Faithful to the epistemological obligations of a dispassionate resaerch of historical truth and constant in the profession of that “veracity and sincerity” which has been difende since the creation of the work, in the tract, De la Religion des Sauvages, Du Tertre remains the methodological historien who is attentive to the relations regarding the flora, the fauna and the political movements of the Islands which he descrive with great assiduousness in the first part of his work.Downloads
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