The debate on the esfericidad of the Earth in Classical Times


  • José Antonio García González



esfericidad of the Earth, medicine hipocrática, presocratic philosophers, Herodot, Aristophanes, Plato, Aristotle


The debate on the esfericidad, whose demonstration we are reflected for the first time in the texts of Aristóteles, occupied an important role in the intellectual ambiences of the VIth and Vth centuries B.C. Although little survives of the thought of the so-called preSocratic philosophers, other authors as historians, doctors, comediógrafos and philosophers of the ends of the Vth century and beginning of the IVth provide important information to understand the reality of the above mentioned expositions.


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How to Cite

García González, J. A. (2015). The debate on the esfericidad of the Earth in Classical Times. BAETICA. Estudios De Historia Moderna Y Contemporánea, (33), 177–191.


