Educar en el amor


  • Regina Gutiérrez Pérez Universidad Pablo de Olavide Spain



love, Helen Fisher, education, freedom


Countless pages have been written about love, as well as about other issues that have worried mankind throughout all time, such as God, death, time, etc. However, there are not many reflections in the West about the history of love and the current state of the affair, although there are about eroticism and sex. For this reason, given the preeminent place that this feeling occupies in our lives, some reflections in light of the findings of the anthropologist Helen Fisher are presented in this contribution. Her studies and her thought, imbued with deep humanism, are essential to know and progress in everything related to love. If this is a basic drive, a survival mechanism, as she scientifically demonstrates, should we pay more attention to its benefits and the damaging and uncontrolled effects it sometimes causes? It would be desirable for Fisher’s work to be disseminated through informative texts and her contributions to enrich the curriculum of the educational system so that our young people, and not so young, knew more about an issue that worries them so much and raises so many questions. Thus, with greater knowledge and awareness, behaviors that are very harmful, such as gender violence and male chauvinism, could be amended. An authentic emotional education is urgent; our society must care more about the person and must be more attentive to this vital need of the individual in order to correct possible deviations due to instinctive behaviors, through education and reflection on freedom.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Pérez, R. (2022). Educar en el amor. Analecta Malacitana. Revista De La sección De Filología De La Facultad De Filosofía Y Letras, 42, 243–254.