Traditional Chinese gardens

the crystallization of culture


  • Yingying Xu CCOO Spain



Chinese garden, culture, philosophy, armony, symbolism


The art of traditional Chinese gardens is based on the rigorous and intelligent composition of architectural and natural elements in order to create a beautiful environment which integrates the different artistic disciplines harmoniously. Culture is the most important pillar that supports the conceptual basis of these gardens. Thus, it is reflected in the general design of the garden as much as in the details of the elements that shape them. We can say that traditional gardens hold within themselves all the millenary wisdom and culture of the Chinese people.

In this article we will analyze the traditional Chinese garden through the cultural exposures about the conception of the cosmos, the basis of harmony between man and nature, the occultation, and the symbolism of the different elements of the garden.


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How to Cite

Xu, Y. (2022). Traditional Chinese gardens: the crystallization of culture. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 6(1), 113–137.