The Sura of the Cave as intercultural and metahistorical dialogue in the Qur'an




Corán, metahistoria, dialogo intercultural, Islam, Judaísmo, Cristianismo


The Sura of The Cave (al-Kahf) is one of the most vibrant and fascinating symbolic spaces in the whole Qur'anic text. This sura brings together four major symbolic and cross-cultural narratives with clear references to the Jewish tradition (Mishna, Talmud), the classical world (the Sleepers of Ephesus, Alexander the Great) and late antiquity (the visions of the Syrian world) in a purely cross-cultural context. Narratives that transcend from the historical to the metahistorical, elaborated in a kairological time and that lead the reader to reflect on the triumph of the symbolic, the problem of evil and the unfathomability of divine decisions. The aim of this paper is to reflect philosophically on how all these elements become a profound intercultural and metahistorical dialogue within the Qur'anic prophetic experience that the believer relives in his reading.


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Author Biography

Antonio de Diego González, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Antonio de Diego González (Málaga, 1986) is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Universidad Pablo de Olavide. He received a MA in Contemporary History (2015) and a PhD (2016) on the history and doctrines of the Tijaniyya Tariqa in contemporary West Africa at the Universidad de Sevilla. His research focus on intellectual history and epistemological problems in Islamic contemporary societies. He is author of "Ley y Gnosis. Historia intelectual de la tariqa Tijaniyya" (Editorial Universidad de Granada, Granada, 2020) and "Populismo Islámico" (Almuzara, Córdoba, 2020).


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How to Cite

de Diego González, A. (2021). The Sura of the Cave as intercultural and metahistorical dialogue in the Qur’an. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 5(2), 23–40.


