The Aesthetics of Evil. The performativity of fascist symbols. Reflections on the image and culture of intolerance and segregation in today's society.
Aesthetics, symbolism, performativity, fascism, national socialism, falangismAbstract
A group of demonstrators meet at Madrid's Almudena cemetery on Saturday 13 February 2021 to pay tribute to the Blue Division soldiers who died in the Second World War. At one point during the ceremony, a speaker said: "The enemy will always be the same, although with different masks: the Jew. The Jew is the guilty one and the Blue Division fought for it".
These words of hate are the origin of this research, in which we will trace vestiges, legacies and resurrections of what we have called the aesthetics of evil. Inquiring and reflecting on the symbolism and image inherited from fascism and national socialism, through culture and aesthetics in our time. A universe of segregation and hate, inscribed in an epidermic western society marked by individualism and consumism.
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