The Female Authorship:

The Cloud of Unknowing


  • Ana María Salto Sánchez del Corral AEHM/UMA, IGIUMA, Consejería Educación Junta de Andalucía Spain



Mística, Autoría femenina, La nube del no saber, Margarita Porete, Juliana de Norwich, Estudios de Mujeres.


This paper raises the possibility of a female authorship for the anonymous 14th century work The Cloud of Unknowing, which academics always attribute to a man. It points out four premises: firstly the error of sexual attribution of the authorship of The Mirror of Simple Souls, maintained until 20th century; secondly, the conception of woman by the English mystical male writers Rolle and Hilton, which is not found in the writings attributed to the author of The Cloud; thirdly, the literary, theological and mystical greatness of a English woman writer of 14th century, Julian of Norwich; and, finally, the scholars' considerations about the author (man for them) of The Cloud and its related treatises, which, notwithstanding, could perfectly be attributed to a woman of the fourteenth century in England. So, the conclusion invites to question the male authorship of this masterpiece, perhaps, for the first time.


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How to Cite

Salto Sánchez del Corral, A. M. (2021). The Female Authorship: : The Cloud of Unknowing. Review of Anthropology and Philosophy of the Sacrum, 5(1).