




增强现实, 纳瓦特语言遗产, 濒危语言


本文介绍了一项研究的结果,即在萨尔瓦多公立学校的 náhuat 语言教学过程中使用增强现实教科书和安卓移动应用程序的影响。为了验证第一个假设,研究人员通过曼-惠特尼检验(Mann-Whitney test)和布鲁纳-蒙泽尔检验(Brunner-Munzel's test)进行了统计推断,以确定对照组和实验组之间分数值的显著性。为了验证第二个假设,还显示了与使用上述资源相对应的学生感知结果,共对 113 名学生进行了问卷调查,通过两份以 5 点李克特量表陈述和语义差别量表项目计分的问卷,收集了与问卷中每个李克特量表陈述相关的额外数据。结果显示,学生认为在 náhuat 语言教学过程中使用 náhuat 增强现实教科书和移动安卓应用程序具有特定优势。这项研究得出的结论是,在萨尔瓦多公立学校学习 náhuat 课程的学生非常重视以增强现实技术和移动应用程序为媒介的教学过程。




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Master in Computing from the Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Master in Educational Technology from the Don Bosco University and electrical engineer from the University of El Salvador, he is currently a professor at the School of Computer Science Engineering at the Don Bosco University.


Computer Science PhD from the University of Zaragoza, MsC in “Knowledge Based Systems” from the University of Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh and Computer Engineering BSc from the University of Bordeaux, currently associate lecturer in Languages ​​and Computing Systems at the Public University of Navarra.
His interests in teaching and research included Educational Technologies and their application at different education levels.


Hispanic Philology, University of Alicante. Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language, Antonio de Nebrija University. Doctor in Philology - UNED (Applications of Internet and educational technologies to language learning). Since July 2022, he is Director of the IES Navarro Villoslada, where he is a Secondary School teacher specializing in Spanish Language and Literature and where he coordinated the center's International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program. He was Pedagogical and Innovation Director of CNAI (Navarre Center for Self-Learning of Languages) and Head of the Educational Technologies Section of the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra, also known as PNTE (New Technologies and Education Program, current Educational Technologies Service ). He has experience in coordination and evaluation of national and international educational innovation projects and in training management.
Its main lines of work are ​​language learning and teaching using information and communication technologies.


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