The The Macdonization of the University System

A case of exploitation of precarious faculty at the University of La Laguna and its trade union crisis


  • José María del Castillo Olivares Barberán Universidad de La Laguna Spain
  • Esther Torrado Martí-Palomino Spain
  • Chaxiraxi Escuela Cruz Spain



University Governance, Unionism, Pre-cariousness, Macdonalization.


Enrique Díez begins, in his book Neoliberalismo Educativo (2018), narrating an early morning at university
and how an advertising mupis invasion has begun, almost all related to companies and banks.
It is not just an invasion of public spaces, but spaces of knowledge and work,
of a neoliberal pedagogy managing the institutions of knowledge in the style of McDonald's franchises.
For this reason, in this study we have wanted to show the consequences of this model for the teaching staff,
especially in higher education centers and more specifically at the University of La Laguna in the Canary Islands.
We will locate this university from its production descriptors and we will relate them to those of overload
of work and precarious working conditions of the labor PDI. The objective is to typify or identify these
indicators of vulnerability and precariousness, concentrated on specific contractual figures.
We will see how experiences of resistance and struggle are currently beginning to develop in the face
of a model that promotes individual achievement, the elitization of staff and unequal working conditions.
This situation is beginning to mobilize despite the many barriers derived from the hegemonic micro-political
forces held by some groups of officials. We will try to explain some of the keys to a possible regeneration
of the cultures of struggle for labor law.


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Author Biography

José María del Castillo Olivares Barberán, Universidad de La Laguna

Prof. Ayudante Doctor del Departamento de Didáctica e Investigación Educativa

Director del grupo de Investigación en Modelos de Intervención Psicopedagógica.

Cooridnador de trabajos de fin de grado de Magisterio Infantil

Pedagogo, Maestro Especialistas Educación Física, Doctor en Evaluación de Programas de Educación a Distancia basada en Redes.


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How to Cite

del Castillo Olivares Barberán, J. M., Torrado Martí-Palomino, E., & Escuela Cruz, C. (2021). The The Macdonization of the University System: A case of exploitation of precarious faculty at the University of La Laguna and its trade union crisis. International Journal of New Education, (5), 117–132.

