Rethinking the Curriculum from an Integrated Vision: "The Humanities Curriculum Project" for a Democratic School


  • Asunción Vega Osés Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra Spain
  • Alicia Peñalva Vélez Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA) Spain



School coexistence, bullying, cyberbullying, school bullying protocol.


School coexistence is basic in the inclusive school even when there is no consensus or homogeneity regarding the concept itself and its main dimensions. School coexistence has gone from being a popular and generic expression to becoming a true and complex psychopedagogical construct. The different school actors tend to express different levels of interest and concern for violent behavior, in fact, teachers are concerned about the disruption and provocation of their students, discipline and vandalism to the management teams, invisible phenomena to families as the harassment, and the educational administration especially is concerned about public opinion in relation to physical violence. When it comes to harassment and cyberbullying, it must not be forgotten that adequate prevention is what helps prevent problems from arising. Public administrations have an unavoidable responsibility when it comes to working for the improvement of educational coexistence. Among the actions that must be implemented is to favor models and guidance on aspects such as protocols for action against harassment and cyberbullying. The protocols are a normative-coexistence framework that provides teachers with operational guides and with them security, in situations of harassment and abuse among peers. The objectives of this study are (1) to define what a protocol of action against bullying and cyberbullying is and what it is for, (2) to locate what protocols and what nature exist in the 17 Spanish autonomous communities. All Autonomous Communities currently have specific protocols for dealing with bullying. It does not happen the same in the case of the specific approach to cyberbullying. The analysis shows that there is only a specific protocol for action in cyberbullying situations in 3 communities. In 7 communities, cyberbullying is specifically addressed, but not in a Protocol format. In other 7 communities there is nothing specific beyond the more or less extensive recommendations included in the protocols against bullying.


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Author Biography

Asunción Vega Osés, Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra

Departamento de Educación del Gobierno de Navarra, España


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How to Cite

Vega Osés, A., & Peñalva Vélez, A. (2018). Rethinking the Curriculum from an Integrated Vision: "The Humanities Curriculum Project" for a Democratic School. International Journal of New Education, (1).

