Improving communication skills in TEA students through ICT


  • Carmen Cobo-Yera Spain
  • Mónica Belda-Torrijos Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Estudios de Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación. Barcelona, Cataluña Spain



Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Educative intervention, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), inclusion; communicative skills


The main objective of this study is to investigate the improvement of the communication skills of children with ASD through the use of ICT in educational centres. The research design involves the participation of teachers specialising in Special Education, Primary Education and Early Childhood Education. The procedure evaluates whether these participants enrich the educational intervention and inclusion of children with ASD through ICT. All of this is carried out using a quantitative method, in which the results are collected by means of forms created in Google Forms. That is why, in this scientific article, all the key information of the theoretical foundation on which the research approach is currently based is presented. This article presents the results obtained with respect to the work experience of the participating teachers, the use of ICT with students with ASD and the improvement of communication skills. 86% of the participants use ICT methodologies and they do observe an improvement in communication skills through the support of visual and audio tools.


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How to Cite

Cobo-Yera, C., & Belda-Torrijos, M. (2022). Improving communication skills in TEA students through ICT . International Journal of New Education, (10), 5–20.

