Andres Duque: Transcription of a Conversation About Cinema and its Detours Towards Transnational Identity


  • Joan Antúnez Escuela MK3 de Barcelona Spain


Andres Duque, documentary film, nonfiction, transnational film, essay film, autobiography, documentary portrait


The sticker album Hombres, razas y costumbres (Men, races and customs), with which Andres Duque interacts in his short film No es la imagen es el objeto (2008), reveals a filmmaker who settles the score with the colonial, racist and classist world that he saw during his childhood. This film is still an index of the groundbreaking and heterogeneous character of a «trans» director, as defined in this interview, a Spaniard born in Caracas and living in Barcelona. His work is located on the periphery of non-fiction with a strong documentary and essay tone. His first film, Ivan Z, is a portrait of the cult filmmaker Ivan Zulueta. In 2011 he makes his first feature film Color perro que huye (Color dog that flees), released at the International Film Festival of Rotterdam and that won the audience award at the International Film Festival Punto de Vista. In 2012 he is one of the filmmakers invited to the Flaherty Seminar in New York. In 2013 he was awarded the City of Barcelona Prize for his film Ensayo final para utopia (Final essay for utopia). Oleg y las raras artes (Oleg and the Rare Arts) is his most recent film and has won numerous awards. In this interview, the filmmaker Joan Antunez dialogues with his admired teacher-filmmaker in search of the keys to his transnational identity in his work.


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Author Biography

Joan Antúnez, Escuela MK3 de Barcelona

Graduado superior en sonido por la escuela MK3 de Barcelona y graduado en producción audiovisual, ha trabajado durante más de diez años en estudios de post producción de sonido de cine y publicidad como Sonoblok, Molinare (Deluxe Spain) o International SoundStudio, participando en películas como Melinda & Melinda, Cosmopolis, Magic Mike, Megamind, La conspiración o Batman Begins. Su trabajo como cineasta se posiciona en el marco de la observación poética de la realidad buscando expandir el espectro sonoro y visual del imaginario de la televisión. Por otro lado, realiza pequeñas piezas fílmicas en las que busca experimentar con el lenguaje, la forma y el tiempo cinematográfico. En 2014 concluye el máster en Teoría y Práctica del Documental Creativo (UAB). Su primera película, OUT (2014), se estrenó en el Festival Punto de Vista y ha formado parte en sección oficial en distintos festivales.



How to Cite

Antúnez, J. (2018). Andres Duque: Transcription of a Conversation About Cinema and its Detours Towards Transnational Identity. TSN. Transatlantic Studies Network, (5), 69–74. Retrieved from