Translating COVID-19 Healthcare Materials for Foreign Population: an exploratory analysis of proposals in Spain


  • Cristina Álvaro Aranda a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:22:"Universidad de Alcalá";} Spain



Coronavirus, COVID-19, Spain, healthcare promotion materials, translation, cultural adaptation


Healthcare emergencies require rapid responses to ensure that citizens have access to information to prevent disease transmission and minimise risks. In multicultural societies, informative materials must be available in several languages to reach diverse groups. In the context of the COVID-19 healthcare emergency in Spain, this paper explores institutions responsible for translating materials, contents covered, their format and target languages. Websites of institutions containing healthcare information are examined, to subsequently analyse a sample of materials and select examples. Results indicate that official entities and NGOs are the two main entities concerned with translating materials. Both major and minority languages are covered. Contents usually include a description of symptoms and preventive measures. Some entities deviate from this tendency and approach additional issues, such as psychological well-being. Written texts seem to be the most common format, but one of the NGOs also develops culturally-adapted videos. Subtitling and updated materials are suggested to improve efficiency.


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How to Cite

Álvaro Aranda, C. (2020). Translating COVID-19 Healthcare Materials for Foreign Population: an exploratory analysis of proposals in Spain. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (24), 455–468.


