The Use of the Survey to Find Out About the Perception of Machine Translation and Post-Editing in Spain
qualitative social study, survey, machine translation, post-editingAbstract
The aim of this contribution is to demonstrate the validity and applicability of an appropriate data collection instrument to collect information on the use and perception of machine translation and post-editing tools in the current Spanish translation market, in this case, a virtual survey. To this end, this study will be contextualised through a review of those theoretical aspects relating to social and qualitative methodology that have been considered most significant for its configuration. Furthermore, the different sub-stages of the development phase of the instrument used will be detailed: design, robustness tests, launch, data collection and reporting of results. In the survey design sub-stage, different studies that have been considered relevant for this work due to their similarity in terms of the methodology used will be cited as background for this work. Next, in the robustness testing sub-stage, the steps taken to optimise the survey design will be described, including the panel of judges and piloting. Then, the procedure carried out to launch the virtual survey, based on the non-probability sampling technique called snowball, will be explained, as well as the method chosen for the data collection. Finally, some of the most relevant data collected on the use and attitude of professional translators with regard to machine translation and postediting will be presented. The main general conclusions arising from the work carried out will also be presented.
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