Interpreting and Language Mediation for Victims of Human Trafficking: The Case of cie, Detention centres for undocumented migrants in Bologna, Italy


  • Mette Rudvin University of Bologna Italy
  • Francesca Pesare University of Bologna Italy



intercultural language mediator, interpreter role, detention centres (centro identificazione e espulsione CIE), human trafficking, alignment, nigerian english


Interpreting and language mediation for female victims of human trafficking for sexual purposes is a profoundly complex area with major human and professional ethical implications. Detention centres for undocumented migrants in Italy have been given much attention in the media recently in the wake of recent geopolitical events leading to a large influx of migrants and refugees. These centres have been particularly challenging for interpreters and language mediators for numerous reasons: linguistic/pragmatic, cultural, institutional, emotional and psychological, etc. This paper is based on data collected during a 6-month internship period at the CIE detention centre in Bologna and describes how working relationships are slowly and laboriously created and negotiated between institution, victim and interpreter/mediator. The paper describes the linguistic and pragmatic obstacles that emerge, especially in the use of Nigerian English, along with Arabic the most frequently used languages


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How to Cite

Rudvin, M., & Pesare, F. (2017). Interpreting and Language Mediation for Victims of Human Trafficking: The Case of cie, Detention centres for undocumented migrants in Bologna, Italy. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, 1(19), 95–108.