Effect of specialized terminology on subtitle reading speed for fansubs: the case of <em>The Good Doctor</em>





subtitling, fansubbing, subtitle reading speed, specialized terminology


This empirical and quantitative case study shows that the presence of specialized terminology (terms, initials and eponyms) in a fictional, audio-visual text which belongs to the field of health sciences, may have an impact on the interlingual subtitles used for its translation. More precisely, it has been observed that the presence of the above-mentioned specialized terminology entails a higher value of the reading speed display rates for the subtitles where terminology appears. These calculations have been carried out for a corpus of Spanish subtitles (fansubs) of a single chapter of the American series The Good Doctor (around 750 subtitles).


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How to Cite

Martí Ferriol, J. L. (2022). Effect of specialized terminology on subtitle reading speed for fansubs: the case of <em>The Good Doctor</em>. TRANS – Revista De Traductología, (26), 201–212. https://doi.org/10.24310/TRANS.2022.v26i1.12142


