Il ruolo del lessico nell’integrazione didattica tra lingua e grammatica
Ludodidattics, Ancient Greek, Latin, lexical activitiesAbstract
This article contains the description of some didactic activities actually carried out, related to the teaching of Latin and Greek in an Italian gymnasium. The particularity is given by the different approach to the study of these languages and by methodological procedures that can not only be placed side by side, but sometimes can replace those usually known, and from the mainly deductive and theoretical-grammatical style.
Activities inspired by play-teaching, role-playing or “drilling” exercises, designed specifically for the acquisition of linguistic and lexical structures, can not only increase the interest and motivation of learners, but also encourage more eff ective learning. The possibility of learning in an atmosphere free from anxiety-inducing factors and the stimulus to manipulate through vocational use both vocabulary and morphosyntactic
structures, even complex ones, with inductive procedures and inherent to a “pragmatic” grammar, is proposed as one of the many solutions to the inveterate problem of the grammatical study of classical languages and above all to the diffi culties of their logical abstractions. In fact, some of these activities described, beyond the specifi c disciplinary contents treated, can be taken on operational models and “exempla” teaching to inspire and on which to build many other learning paths. Through the intelligibility of basic linguistic inputs, pupils are fi rst put in the conditions to use the language (proficiency of use), then to observe and describe the characteristics (metalinguistic competence), and only, in the end, to reflect more deeply and with greater awareness, understanding the mechanisms and dynamics of functioning.
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