Latín y multilingüismo a través de un proyecto europeo
Teaching of Latin, project between European schools, eTwinning, multilingualism, cooperative learningAbstract
In this article we aim to make public the eTwinning project which fi ve secondary schools in different towns, Barreiro in Portugal and Basauri, Bilbao, Soria and Siles in Spain, have carried out in the subject of Latin of 10th or/and 11th year. The selected
topic for the project was the Romanisation of the Iberian Peninsula. The motivation for carrying it out was to apply the use of new technologies to the teaching of some cultural contents through a cooperative methodology with students of other schools
and to promote the use of both Latin and English. The article will explicitly state the project’s aims, the plan and link with the syllabus of the subject of Latin in 10th year, the implementation and sequencing of tasks, the assessment system and the results:
the progress in academic achievement and the feedback received by the students. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages found in the development of such a project as a whole will be discussed. Finally, the recognition received from the eTwinning
Support Service in the form of the Spanish Quality Label will be mentioned, in the hope of receiving the Portuguese and the European ones.
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